Use "permutation|permutations" in a sentence

1. This is great if we wanted to count the permutation ABC as different from the permutation ACB, as different from the permutation -- I don't know -- BAC as different from the permutation BCA.

2. Combinations and Permutations Calculator

3. Narrow down the permutations.

4. They are distinguished by letter names, usually based on what they look like with arrows representing what pieces are swapped around (e.g. A permutation, F permutation, T permutation, etc.).

5. Cycles [{}] represents the identity permutation.

6. When permutation entropy is used as the value indicating deterministicy, a permutation entropy computing section is provided.

7. These permutations multiply towards infinity.

8. 29 These permutations multiply towards infinity.

9. Permutation: finally, the 32 outputs from the S-boxes are rearranged according to a fixed permutation, the P-box.

10. Combinations can be confused with permutations

11. (2010) Agnostically Learning under Permutation Invariant Distributions

12. The CSV file will give you the path permutations and the associated weights of your channels within those path permutations.

13. Crunch can generate all possible combinations and permutations.

14. One could say that a permutation is an ordered Combination

15. An infinite number of Ghost Legs represents the same permutation.

16. Cellular addressing permutation bit map raster graphics architecture

17. Unique because that particular permutation has not appeared before.

18. The difference between Combinations and permutations is ordering

19. Crunch can generate all possible combinations and permutations

20. I've tried every combination, every permutation of every known element.

21. Anuran generates randomized networks with permutations of the original network

22. This paper deals with orthodox semirings whose additive idempotents satisfy permutation identities.

23. More general permutation groups were investigated in particular by Augustin Louis Cauchy.

24. Step 1: Determine whether the question pertains to permutations or Combinations

25. A subgroup of a symmetric group is called a permutation group.

26. For all the permutations that produced, the music seemed slightly Apologetic .

27. In one permutation, Panetta would not challenge Feinstein if she ran for governor.

28. Unlike permutations, where group order matters, in Combinations, the order doesn't matter

29. Variation among humans is limited to the possible permutations of our genes.

30. Permutations and Combinations have uses in math classes and in daily life

31. Some permutations of the Creative Commons licenses are examples of share-alike.

32. And that was not the end of it, for there were permutations.

33. The methods best adapted to do this depend on whether one wants some randomly chosen permutations, or all permutations, and in the latter case if a specific ordering is required.

34. This paper proposes a matrix based substitution permutation network as the model of block cipher.

35. Two examples of this type of problem are counting combinations and counting permutations.

36. The remaining two components of curl result from cyclic permutation of indices: 3,1,2 → 1,2,3 → 2,3,1.

37. With the formation of protoplasm by sheer permutation & combination of atoms, the life began here.

38. The 14 different dinners are mostly permutations of beef, chicken, noodles, and rice.

39. 30 This paper proposes a matrix based substitution permutation network as the model of block cipher.

40. Combinations are related to permutations in that they are essentially permutations where all the redundancies are removed (as will be described below), since order in a combination is not important. Combinations, like permutations, are denoted in various ways including nCr, nCr, C(n,r), or C (n,r), or most commonly as simply

41. Combinations are related to permutations in that they are essentially permutations where all the redundancies are removed (as will be described below), since order in a Combination is not important. Combinations, like permutations, are denoted in various ways including nCr, nCr, C(n,r), or C (n,r), or most commonly as simply

42. The permutations of x, y and z are xyz, xzy, yxz, yzx, zxy, zyx.

43. 19 There are 120 permutations of the numbers 4 and for example, 5 or

44. 30 There are 120 permutations of the numbers 4 and for example, 5 or

45. It has been estimated that there are 26 possible permutations of step-family formation.

46. The complexity of the system depends on the number of permutations of hose length available.

47. And, of course, such fragments have been made to convey many permutations of these uses.

48. With permutations we care about the order of the elements, whereas with Combinations we don’t

49. The company has had five different names in its various permutations over the last few years.

50. In Combinations, you can select the items in any order. Combinations can be confused with permutations

51. You can't know this by thinking through the various permutations of smacking pails with your feet.

52. The possible permutations of x, y and z are xyz, xzy, yxz, yzx, zxy and zyx.

53. In the world of Combinations, we said permutations make a difference between who's sitting in what chair

54. Each Anagrammatical permutation she adopts carries its own host of meanings that hint at her true identity

55. Formulations are varied because there are three ways of achieving the same capability with combinations and permutations.

56. Norman Higham's book contains a discussion of the various permutations possible, together with some advice from experience.

57. If the order doesn't matter then we have a Combination, if the order does matter then we have a permutation

58. The behavior of other particles requires that the wavefunction be Antisymmetric with respect to permutation \((e^{i\varphi} = -1)\)

59. Aromatics: A proprietary permutation of aroma behaviour conditioning, which combines neurolinguistic programming (behavioural conditioning) with aromatherapy, using video and audiotapes

60. In this paper, a new sorting algorithm consisted of classification, in situ permutation and straight insertion is presented.

61. The block cipher with a substitution permutation network is the best known and widely used block cipher system.

62. Permutation of the Last Layer (PLL) - The final stage involves moving the pieces of the top layer while preserving their orientation.

63. Distance-based multiresponse permutation procedures are presented as an alternative method of characterizing the spatial point pattern of mapped data sets.

64. 26 The block cipher with a substitution permutation network is the best known and widely used block cipher system.

65. Well, when we figured out the permutations using this formula we counted -- for example, we counted ABC, ACB, BAC,

66. There is a Nabokovian rhythm in Asunder's obsessive permutations, and in the novel's dance of fluttering life and slow decay

67. But now, because of complex permutations resulting from an equally involved scoring system, the odds are stacking up against Conner.

68. To fix this we need to divide by the number of hands that are different permutations but the same Combination

69. But the film goes on to develop graphic, orifice-stuffing permutations on the theme of you are what you eat.

70. Features: Crunch generates wordlists in both combination and permutation ways it can breakup output by number of lines or file size resume support

71. Later on, you can learn Full PLL which replaces the permutation of the edges and corners, making the solve more efficient and therefore faster.

72. Permutations and Combinations, the various ways in which objects from a set may be selected, generally without replacement, to form subsets

73. For starters, Blonde has about one billion permutations, from the coolest, iciest silvery shade, to the richest and earthiest mushroomy hue

74. The actual calculation of conversion credit for each touchpoint depends on comparing all of the different permutations of touchpoints and normalizing across them.

75. Mathematicians of the finest calibre were essential for what then seemed the almost impossible task of breaking a code with astronomical permutations.

76. The Combination formula is slightly different because order no longer matters; therefore, you divide the permutations formula by ! in order to eliminate the redundancies

77. X Research source You are essentially reducing the result by the number of options that would be considered a different permutation but the same Combination (because order

78. In a discrete optimization problem, we are looking for an object such as an integer, permutation or graph from a finite (or possibly countably infinite) set.

79. Paolo Ruffini was the first person to develop the theory of permutation groups, and like his predecessors, also in the context of solving algebraic equations.

80. If the legs are drawn randomly (for reasonable definitions of "drawn randomly"), the evenness of the distribution of permutations increases with the number of legs.